If you are looking for information on a specific issue perhaps some of the links here might be useful.
Emergency SituationsPlease contact 999 or 112 if you or someone you know is about to harm yourself or themselves.
Acting OutA performance group drawn from LGBT+ community in Dublin
Active Retirement IrelandResources and activities for people in retirement
Age and Opportunity Assisting people reach their full potential in retirement
Alcoholics AnonymousSupport and Meetings for Alcoholics
Al–AnonSupport for friends and family of problem drinkers
AlateenSupport for 12-17 year olds who are affected by a problem drinker
AmenSupport for male victims of domestic abuse
Anam CaraSupporting parents after bereavement
Arc Cancer Support CentreSupport for people diagnosed with cancer, their family, friends and carers
AwareDepression and Bipolar Support
BelongToSupporting young LGBT+ people and their families
Bi+IrelandA community for bi+ people in Ireland
ChildlineCounselling service for children and young people
Citizens InformationInformation on your rights and entitlements
Crosscare Teen CounsellingAdolescent friendly family counselling service
Drugs.ieHSE Drugs and alcohol helpline
Dublin Lesbian LineMental health support for LGBT+ people
Eating Disorder SupportSupport service for people with eating disorders
Friends of the Elderly IrelandA range of social programmes for older people
Gamblers AnonymousSupport for gamblers
Gay SwitchboardConfidential telephone support service for LBGT+
GROWMental health support and recovery
HSEHSE Abortion Information
HSEMental Health Information by the HSE
Immigrant Council of IrelandAn immigration service based in Ireland
Irish Immigrant AdvisorsAn immigration service based in Ireland
Irish Traveller MovementA network of individuals and organisations working within the Traveller community
Jigsaw Youth Mental HealthYoung people’s mental health service
LGBT HelplineConfidential telephone support for LGBT+
LGBT SupportSupports and education to enhance LGBT+ lives
MABsFree and confidential money advice, debt management and budget service
Mental Health IrelandPromoting mental health and wellbeing to all individuals and communities in Ireland
Migrant Rights Centre IrelandWorking for justice, empowerment and equality for migrant workers Move IrelandHelping men overcome violent behaviour
Narcotics AnonymousRecovery from the effects of addiction
Obsessive Compulsive DisorderSupport for for people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), trichotillomania (TTM) and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD
One in FourSupport for men and women who experienced childhood sexual abuse
OuthouseA safe space in Dublin for LGBT+ people
Pavee Point Resources and information on human rights for Travellers and Roma.
Pieta HouseSuicide and Self Harm Prevention
Please TalkStudent Mental Health Support
Rape Crises Network IrelandInformation on research and prevention of sexual violenced
Rutland CentreAddiction Treatment and rehabilitation Centre
Samaritans 24 hour support to talk about anything that is bothering you
See ChangeEnding mental health stigma and improving mental health awareness
ShineSupport, education and information for people with ill mental health
Single Parent Family SupportSupports for people who parent alone
Social Anxiety IrelandSupport and programme for people with social anxiety
Sonas Freedom from Domestic ViolenceSupport for women and children experiencing domestic violence
SOSSuicide or Survive
SpunoutIreland’s youth information website
Sticks and StonesAnti-bullying programme for children
Stop the BullyAnti-bullying service for people of all ages
SWAISex Workers Alliance Ireland
TENITransgender Equality Network Ireland
The Dublin Rape Crisis CentreSupport for men and women who are victims of rape and sexual assault
The Irish Hospice FoundationSupport and care for people at end of life
Third Age IrelandSupports for people in senior years
TreoirInformation service for unmarried parents and their children
Womens AidWorking on making women and children safe from domestic violence